

May 11, 2023

Sustainability in vertisol’s manufacturing process

For vertisol, remaining an environmentally sustainable company is a crucial aspect of its project. Therefore,…
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Placas solares en el techo la nave industrial de vertisol en Granollers, Barcelona (3)
March 9, 2022

vertisol commitment

At vertisol, we feel it is our duty to embrace sustainability and help fight climate…
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SustainabilityvertisolVinyl flooring
April 8, 2020

vertisolfloor vinyl flooring, taking care of you and the environment

vertisolfloor vinyl flooring  is ideal for the most demanding environments such as health centers, schools,…
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April 8, 2019

Planet FR: Acoustic and Recyclable Fabric

Ensuring maximum comfort and improving life quality through the development of environmentally sustainable products are…
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February 13, 2019

vertisol obtains its first Cradle to Cradle Silver level thanks to the Pledge FR fabric

We live in a society that is becoming more aware of protecting our environment. That…
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August 30, 2018

Get WELL Spaces with vertisol fabrics

Sustainable architecture is one of society’s and the sector’s principal demands. The concern for addressing…
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March 20, 2018

vertisol fabrics Cradle to Cradle C2C

Recently there is a whole range of concepts related to sustainability that are gradually being…
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