Acoustic panelsvertisolscreenWindow covering

vertisol decorative fabrics designed by RAW COLOR

By Oktober 6, 2022 No Comments
Imagen de las tres colecciones: Hatching, Density y Rows. Entre los tejidos está una persona para presentar la transparencia del tejido.

In vertisol we are manufacturers of decorative fabrics for sun protection. Our goal is to satisfy the needs of all our customers. With this purpose, we have developed a wide range of decorative fabrics ideal for all types of environments playing with light, colors, and design.

Design is part of vertisol’s DNA. For this reason, in addition to being designers, we work closely with external design studios to make their ideas a reality, contributing our knowhow on materials and processes. This is the case of the Dutch studio, RAW COLOR, formed by Daniera ter Harr and Christoph Brach.

RAW COLOR’s work reflects a sophisticated treatment of material and color by blending the fields of graphic design and photography. This is materialized through research and experiments, building their own visual language. Hatching, Density and Rows are the vertisol collections designed by RAW COLOR.


Moodboard colección Hatching diseñada por RAW COLOR

Hatching is built from rougher joints resulting in vertical lines of irregular rhythm.


Moodboard colección Density diseñada por RAW COLOR

Density has the thinnest joints and creates the visual effects of horizontal gradients of denser and less dense areas.


Moodboard colección Rows diseñada por RAW COLOR

Rows is a screen-printed textile, which is composed of rows of blocks ranging from thinner lines to ticker lines.

Colors take a leading role in the project. Working together, we developed a new range of colors. Vertical production, starting with in-house yarn manufacturing, allows us to realize the designers‘ ideas.

Thanks to vertisol decorative fabrics, the different areas of a room can be protected from the incision of the sun’s rays, while at the same time taking the design into account. We create pleasant environments both visually and thermally, avoiding glare and reflections, as well as aesthetically.

In addition, our fabrics are subjected to the strictest tests. We achieve the best results in terms of solar control, making our collections the perfect combination of design and efficiency.

Hatching and Density also for acoustic panels

The Hatching and Density collections, designed by RAW COLOR, can not only be applied to solar protection solutions. They are also suitable for coating vertisolacoustics.

Acoustic panels serve several purposes: they reduce noise pollution, give a more pleasant appearance, and compartmentalize the space. With the fabrics designed by RAW COLOR, in addition to the acoustic properties, we dress the design space.

The Josep Carreras Foundation is the most recent project of acoustic panels. One of the vertisolacoustics collections installed in their offices was Plec Desk. These sound-absorbing panels were coated with Density fabric, specifically the shade White.

Hatching and Density are recycled fabrics that have antibacterial activity, preventing the growth of fungi and bacteria. In addition, these fabrics are also free of phthalates, a component used in certain PVC products that can be harmful to humans.

Panel acústico Plec cubierto por el tejido Density, diseñado por RAW COLOR, en el tono White.

vertisol x RAW COLOR

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