Vertisol fabrics at Google Portico

By März 20, 2018 No Comments

The healthy building materials Tool to change an industry

One of the main objectives for which we work in Vertisol is to ensure maximum comfort and live quality of people by the development of sustainable products.

We intend to help companies to reduce energy consumption and minimize the impact that it causes on the environment. For this reason, we produce fabrics that are not only respectful with the environment for their components and manufacturing process, but also because their technical properties help to improve the energy efficiency of buildings.

For this reason, the technical properties of Vertisol fabrics are listed in international databases to calculate energy savings achieved. One of these databases is Google Portico, where Vertisol fabrics Planet FR, EcoPlanet FR and EcoPlanet FR SRC are listed.

What is Google Portico?

Google Portico is a Healthy Building Materials Tool that evaluates all building products and materials through a rigorous screening process and uses criteria based on established industry standards that value transparency and material health.

These criteria include Health Product Declaration, GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals, that analyses the ingredients and chemicals used in each product, and Cradle to Cradle Certification.

Portico was developed by the Healthy Building Network team in collaboration with Google, to advance healthy materials use, accelerate access to high-quality and comparable data, and seamlessly connect supply with demand.

It is a platform that combines a product database and collaborative workflow tools, built on an open source mode. The goal was to create a place where the information could be gathered in a sharable format that could then be searched and interpreted by anyone using the tool to identify the healthiest products for its worldwide buildings.

Vertisol fabrics Planet FR, EcoPlanet FR and EcoPlanet FR SRC can be found at Google Portico as they accomplish with the criteria of the healthier building products established by the Tool. This way we allow architects and contractors to access our products and materials information and to understand our material properties and potential impacts on human health.

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