vertisol at the annual AERC Members meeting - Vertisol

vertisol at the annual AERC Members meeting

By November 29, 2017 No Comments

On November 6th and 7th Vertisol attended the annual AERC Members meeting that took place in Boston.

The AERC (Attachments Energy Rating Council) is an independent, public interest organisation whose mission is to rate, label and certify the energy performance of window attachments. It is funded by the Department of Energy of the United States of America.

The AERC’s main objectives are as follows:

  • Develop energy performance-based rating and certification standards and program procedures.
  • Develop and maintain a fenestration attachment product performance database.

The key point of the meeting was the presentation of new standards for testing and rating window attachment properties -fully assembled fenestration products- and also substrates, which are the component materials of attachments.

The complete sample selection and testing process will be reviewed by both the AERC and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Laboratories will have to be validated for the purpose of conducting solar properties tests.

Certified products will be listed in:

  • CPD (Certified Products Database) in the case of single attachment products.
  • CGDB (Complex Glazing Database) for tested substrate materials such as fabrics.

CPD enrolment opened in early October 2017 and CGDB in mid-November.

Certified material data will be used in validated energy software tools and EnergyStar labels.

Vertisol is committed to contributing to the certification process that will provide credible and accurate information on the energy performance of solar protection devices.